Winter may bring snowflakes and holiday cheer, but it also brings the potential for inconvenient leaks, frozen, and burst pipes. Just imagine the chaos… and the cost. That’s enough to make anyone shiver. But fear not, your friends at Chipper have the hot tips to keep your pipes defrosted and your budget intact.

A Chilling Reality Check

Now, before we dive into prevention strategies, we should probably get a few other things out of the way first. Namely, the reason pipes freeze in the first place, as well as the monetary danger you’re in if you fail to take proper precautions.

That first bit is easy to answer. When temperatures plummet, water inside poorly insulated pipes can turn into ice, causing blockages. As water freezes, it expands, leading to immense pressure within the pipes. This, in turn, makes them susceptible to cracks and bursts.

As you can probably imagine, those bursts come with no shortage of waterworks. And on average, repairing a burst pipe can set you back anywhere from $300 to $1,500. Not to mention thousands more to replace rotted walls, ceilings, and floorboards.

So, how do we prevent all that?

The Winter Plumbing Checklist: Your Roadmap to Protection

Insulate, Insulate, Insulate: Ensure that pipes in vulnerable areas, such as unheated basements, attics, and crawl spaces, are well-insulated. This minimizes exposure to freezing temperatures.

Seal Leaks: Cold air sneaking into your home can wreak havoc on your plumbing. Seal any gaps or leaks in walls, windows, and doors to maintain a warmer environment for your pipes.

Let the Faucet Drip: As strange as it may sound, you might even want to allow a small, steady drip from faucets on especially cold nights. This continuous flow helps to prevent water from stagnating and freezing within the pipes.

Disconnect and Store: Detach garden hoses from outdoor faucets and store them indoors. This prevents water from freezing within the hose and backing up into the faucet and interior pipes.

Insulate Outdoor Faucets: Invest in faucet covers or wrap them with insulation to shield them from the chill.

The Emergency Thaw: What to Do When Pipes Freeze

Despite your best efforts, however, pipes may still freeze – and knowing how to handle that situation can prevent further damage. So, if your faucets suddenly stop producing water or you see icy residue forming around exposed pipes, it’s time to spring into action by…

Keeping Cabinets Open: Allow warm air to circulate around pipes under sinks by keeping cabinet doors open during cold spells.

Applying Heat: Safely thaw frozen pipes using a hairdryer, heating pad, or towels soaked in hot water. Never use an open flame or electric heater.

Call in the Pros: If you’re unable to thaw pipes or detect a burst, don’t hesitate to call professional plumbers like your pals at Chipper. Timely intervention like that can prevent extensive damage.

Invest In Proactive Plumbing Solutions

Okay… So, admittedly, this is a lot to take in. And you’d probably rather avoid a problem on the front end than deal with that last part. We’re right there with ya!

As we like to say here at Chipper, we want you to “Call Us When You Want To, Not When You Need To!”

So, if none of the preemptive tips above work for you (or you just want to feel a little more secure), you can call on us any time for more solutions.

It could be something as simple as a smart thermostat for monitoring your home temperature or heating cables to keep your pipes warm all year round. But you can trust our expert team of technicians to help you invest in the right long-term solution for your budget, home, and family.